Easter Traditions from around the world

Every wet Monday (Easter Monday), a water fight is held in Poland.

While Scandinavians will dress up and go on a trick or treating like experience.
Haux in France makes a giant omelets from 4,500 eggs to feed 1,000 people in the town square.
Norwegians would take Easter the traditional opportunity to read crime novels.
Roald, Norway
Hilary, USA
Hans, Denmark
Margot, France
To re-enact an earthquake triggered by Christ's resurrection, the citizens of the Greek island of Corfu (where Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh was born) would throw clay pots from their balconies at 11AM sharp on Easter Saturday.

Bermuda, the namesake island of the mysterious triangular vanishing point called the
Bermuda Triangle would have people fly kites on Good Friday.
Meanwhile on Easter Monday, The White House Lawn hosts an Easter Egg roll where children 13 years
and younger would use a long handled spoon to roll a splendidly painted, hard boiled eggs across the grass in a race.