Easter Rising 1916

In a historic event that nearly didn't go ahead due to the capture of the Aud gunboat, the 1916 Easter Rising began on Easter Monday, 24 April 1916 with Patrick Pearce reading the proclamation at the GPO (General Post Office) where he and James Connolly occupied throughout the rising while others life Eamon Daly's battalion occupied the Four Courts, Thomas MacDonagh at Jacob's factory, Eamon de Valera at Boland's Mills, Eamon Ceannt at the South Dublin Union workhouse, Countess Markievicz at the College of Surgeons and Sean Connolly at City Hall. For 6 days, the rebel leaders fought against the British and following unconditional surrender, the GPO was in ruins. The reason why this failed revolution is celebrated every Easter in Ireland is because the execution of most the rebels except for Markievicz and de Valera created a commotion and changed in public on opinion. The Irish now wanted independence more than they wanted home rule!