Cold War poster

6th and 9th August 1945: United States bombs Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 

1947: USSR (Union of Socialist Soviet Republics) and the US (United States) have a squabble over arms without conflict. Stalin deprives Eastern Europe of the Marshall Aid

1948: Berlin Airlift begins after a blockade is implemented.

1949: While USSR's first A (Atomic) bomb goes off, China becomes communist.

1950: Korean War

1952: First H Bomb is exploded by the US

1953: USSR explodes their Hydrogen Bomb

1955: Warsaw Pact created.

1956: While Hungary revolts against the USSR (unsuccessfully),The UK and France stir up trouble in the Suez.

1957: The satellite Sputnik 1 is launched.

1959: Cuba becomes a communist country but their healthcare is good.

1961: Berlin Wall is created.

1962: Cuban Missile Crisis

1963: America increases their involvement in Vietnam by sending more military aid than it did in 1961.

1965: America vs. Vietnam

1967: Six Day War in the Middle East. 

1968: USSR invade Czechoslovakia.

1973: Yom Kippur War

1979: USSR invades Afghanistan.

1986: Gorbachev (USSR) and Reagan (USA) meet in Iceland.

1987: INF Treaty signed

1989: Eastern Europe ditches communism. (pictured, Romanian Revolution)

1990: Germany reunites having spent most of the Cold War divided between Western and Soviet forces at the end of World War 2.

1991: Soviet Union collapses over the Christmas period. The Cold War is over.


"The timeline was amazing !! I have used it with mulitiple Classes." - the secondary school teacher who requested it. 

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Hilary of the USA

Satoru of Japan

Abelard of Germany

Hak-Kun of North Korea

Jae-Hyun of South Korea

Eduard of  Russia

Bolin of China

Chi of Vietnam

Andrea of Hungary

Rada of Bulgaria

Vaclav of Czechia/ Czech Republic

Mostafa of Egypt

Margot of France

Mama Sofia of the Soviet Union

Ciprian of Romania

Bartek of Poland

Alicia of Slovakia

Elizabeth of England

Bernita of Cuba

Adam of Israel

Jamal of Syria

Jana of Jordan

Ali of Afghanistan 

Stefan Karl of Iceland