Lent and Easter Questions

Why is the crucifix the symbol for Christianity? For the early years of Christianity, a fish was the symbol but it was only after the Roman Emperor Constantine became a Christian and abolished crucifixion as a death penalty was when the crucifix was promoted to the Christian symbol.

How did Easter get its name?
Easter may have gotten its name from the pagan goddess Eostre who celebrated the birth of spring.

Why is Lent called Lent?
Lent comes from an Old English word called lencten which means spring season or lengthen. Lengthen being a fitting definition as the days get longer throughout spring.

Why is Lent 40 days long?
40 is quite a significant number in Jewish and Christian scriptures. For example:
• The flood in Genesis that Noah built the ark for lasted 40 days and nights.
• It took the Hebrews 40 years to reach the land promised to them by God.
• Moses fasted (did not eat) before receiving the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.
• In preparation for his ministry, Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the wilderness. In fact it was Jesus' wilderness days that Lent's 40 days signifies.

Why does Easter's date change each year? Jesus' death and resurrection occurred during the Jewish Passover. Passover is a moveable feast too, with the date being determined by the lunar calendar (the cycle of the moon). When the Church leaders got together to set an official date for Easter, they wanted it to sync up with Passover and thus, Easter happens on the first Sunday after the first full moon of spring. In 2021, Easter Sunday will fall on 5 April.

If Easter is about the death and resurrection of Christ, then what's with the chocolate eggs and rabbits? - Robin 
Like the feast's name, this tradition is routed in non-Christian and pagan traditions. Eggs represented fertility and decorating them may have come about as a nod to Easter's religious significance (the resurrection and rebirth of Jesus Christ). The arrival of baby bunnies in spring by their fast and very active in reproducing parents became associated with birth and renewal and it only came about thanks to German immigrants who arrived in America in the 1700s so that's how we have the Easter Bunny.

Why is Good Friday called Good Friday?
Good Friday may have gotten its name from the older name God's Friday. Either way, its name is still appropriate because although Jesus' death was terrible because of his suffering, it marked the dramatic culmination of the plan God had to save his people from sins. Despite this, Germany calls Good Friday Karfreitag which translates to Sorrow Friday.